Think BIG
February 2017

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Business Moment: Optimism

It has been said that optimism is a great thing. As we look at our world today, it is apparent there is a greater need. However even with its great need, it does not require us to be blinded to the reality we must face. It truly is important to maintain an optimistic outlook, while at the same time directing our attention to examining events around us to make sure we in fact do not have our eyes closed to the moment before us.

There is a story of a very successful business leader who had said he was very optimistic about the future of his business despite short term challenges. In response, he was asked by business reporters if that was true, why did he have such a worried look on his face?

The business leader stopped and smiled at the reporter as he responded, “Well, when you have an optimistic view of life, it always pays to worry about your optimism.”

In business and life, it is vital to maintain an optimistic view. It is also vital to remain aware of your surroundings, so that you do not allow your optimism to prevent you from making the necessary changes,​ when warranted, that keep you on the pathway to success. Optimism without a reality check almost always ends up derailing your efforts.

Feature Article: Determination

Throughout the world there are discussions, virtually daily, about nations and strength. Regardless of those discussions and what others may think or feel, the strongest nation in the universe without question is DETERMINATION! Yes, DETERMINATION, that unique trait that enables the weak to become strong; the good to become great; the defeated to become winners; and, the dream to become reality. It is the guiding force that will allow the desires of the heart to direct the mind and the body to action so that those desires are achieved.

The height of your dreams is only limited by the strength of your determination. How strong is your determination? How willing are you to remain steadfast even in the clutches of defeat? 

What would you have done with a life record as exhibited below:

1816: This individual's family was forced out of their home. He had to work to support them.

1818: This individual's mother died.

1831: He failed in business.

1832: He ran for state legislature and lost. He also lost his job and then wanted to 
          go to law school but couldn't get in.

1833: This individual borrowed some money from a friend to begin a business and 
          by the end of the year he was bankrupt. He spent the next 17 years
          of his life paying off this debt.

1834: He ran for state legislature again and won.

1835: This individual was engaged to be married, but his sweetheart died and his
          heart was broken.

1836: He had a total nervous breakdown and was in bed for six months.

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Energy Leadership Article: Delegate or Participate?

Energy Leadership

Last month I began a discussion of the characteristics of anabolic and catabolic leaders, and how the anabolic leader “leads,” while the catabolic leader “manages.” Another distinction between catabolic and anabolic leaders is that catabolic leaders “delegate,” while anabolic leaders “participate.”

According to Webster’s dictionary, “delegate” means to entrust to the care or management of another; to transfer; to assign; to commit, and “participate” means to partake of; to share in; to receive a part of. 

Most of us have been taught that delegating is something that we need to do in order to be effective leaders and to get things done. And in fact, that is true – but anabolic leaders take it a step further. When a catabolic leader delegates a task to someone else, the leader, in effect, wipes his or her hands of the task. When an anabolic leader participates in the task with another person, the other person knows that they are supported and valued while they are doing the work. Participating certainly doesn’t mean that the leader needs to do all, most, or even any of the work – it implies being available to other people without hesitation... Click Here to Read More 

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Holding Your Cool

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Launching Your New Year Succesfully


A Milky Attitude

Getting "It" Back

You Can Make It Happen



Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.

Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book,

Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me
